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Thank you for contacting Shape Arts for 1:1 Artist Support

We are looking forward to meeting with you, but first you will need to complete our 'pre-support' form. This form helps up formulate the most useful support for your current needs, and connects you with a suitable member of our team.

Access or download the artist pre-support form in a variety of formats including Google Form, Word Document, audio, Easy Read and BSL.

Please complete it once you have been in touch with the Shape Arts Team. Not spoken to a member of our team yet? Drop us an email at [email protected] before completing this form.

Google Form  Word .doc  Easy Read  Audio [pending, contact us]

I use BSL, how can I complete the form?
You can submit your answers in video format to us via email or sharing a link. Alternatively we can organise a meeting on zoom with an interpreter. Please contact us to arrange this.

Can you provide this in another format?
We have this form in word document, easy read and audio versions available on this webpage. If you would like this form in another format, please email [email protected] or the team member you have been in contact with.

What happens next?
After completing the form, we ask that you fill in an equality and diversity monitoring form. We will get back in touch with you after we have received your responses.

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Banner Image: A landscape painting in bold colours of yellow, blue, pink and green. Five people celebrate in a colourful room, two in wheelchairs and three standing, all appearing to move about joyfully. The people smile and hold a yellow banner above their head that says 'the right to party'.