We’re always looking at putting together resources, guides and how-tos on everything art, disability and access related. We make them publicly available and add them to our website’s Resources section. It's important to us to keep updating, editing and expanding our existing resources, so to do this, we’re keen to hear from you on what exactly you’d like to see produced!

The resources are aimed at those involved with art in every role and at every level: from artists and creatives to curators and organisers, to teachers and lecturers, to organisation and company management, directors and CEOs, to those selling and buying art. They’ll cover anything from how to apply for funding, to how to do accessible arts marketing and promotion, to how to budget for access.

Supporting our Arts Organisation Auditing and Training services and, ultimately, the aims of our organisation, the resources will partly take the form of career, skills and business development, and partly just practical advice. They will be created with the goal of encouraging better inclusion of disabled people in the arts by training arts workers in how to do things accessibly and in a way that's fully inclusive of disabled people, and by advising disabled artists on different aspects of working in the arts.

We’re especially keen to develop these through conversations with those of you who work in the arts, and so what we need now are your suggestions for exactly what resources you’d like us to create. In terms of art, disability and access, what resources or guides would you like to see or think ought to be created? What would you expect Shape to provide in this respect? If you’re a curator, producer or programmer, what would you come to Shape for information or guidance on? If you're a disabled artist, what career development information would you like us to put together?

Please tweet us at @ShapeArts or contact us with your suggestions, which we’ll collate and get to work on. Thank you!

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