The Future is Loading exhibition is available on our website and on our Instagram, with audio description and BSL support where possible. 

Before viewing this exhibition, you may want to read our Trigger Warnings and Access informationYou can read a full exhibition blurb, too, where you will learn more about the curation of the show.

Together with Able Zine, we are designing a zine for this exhibition which is available for pre-order. This zine includes a collaborative resources list, full of a variety of materials gathered by the curators and contributors during the production of this show. You can also purchase campaign t-shirts through PrintSocial. 

Audio described artist biographies can be found on individual artist profiles on our site.

If you would like more information, please email [email protected] 

Artists Rudy Loewe and Tobi Adebajo, both exhibiting in The Future is Loading exhibition, sat down to discuss disability justice, shielding, the impact of the pandemic, and intersectionality. 

You can watch the five parts of their discussion here. BSL interpreted versions accompany each segment, interpreted by Marcel Hirshman.

Part I: Shielding and the pandemic

Part II: A 'disability justice shaped future'

Part III: Intersectional disability justice

Part IV: What does this all mean as artists?

Part V: Resources and summary

Bonus: Breath offering