This page contains information relating to the Access to Work scheme available for disabled people in the UK. We have tried our best to lay out the information available in a convenient and efficient manner, but we always welcome feedback and additions to our resources. Please contact [email protected] with any contributions.

This page is divided into five sections:

  1. What is Access to Work?
  2. BSL information about Access to Work
  3. Further resources
  4. Campaigns working to improve Access to Work
  5. London contact information for the scheme

What is Access to Work?

Access to Work (AtW) is a government programme delivered by Job Centre Plus which provides advice and a financial grant for practical support to overcome work-related barriers due to disability. It is available to customers with a disability who are in employment or with a job to start.

An Access to Work grant can pay for practical support if you have a disability, health, or mental health condition to help you:

  • start working
  • stay in work
  • move into self-employment or start a business

How much you get depends on your circumstances.  
The money doesn’t have to be paid back and will not affect your other benefits.

For more detailed information, get in touch with Access to Work or have a look at the official site of the Access to Work scheme.

Access to Work website

BSL information about Access to Work

Further information about Access to Work

Campaigns & information to improve Access to Work

Disability News Service AtW coverage

Stop Changes 2 AtW

Deaf AtW campaign website 

Access to Work Contact Details (London)

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0345 268 8489 
Textphone: 0345 608 8753

Operational Support Unit 
Harrow Jobcentre Plus 
Mail Handling Site A 
Wolverhampton  WV98 1JE 

Explore all of our resources

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