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No longer with us, the eight exhibiting artist-activist is Keith Armstrong (1950 – 2017), the legendary member of both the Disability Rights and the Disability Arts Movements. Keith was responsible for much of the photographic documentation of the historic fights for access. Also captured in his early photos are many of the people who would go on to become major figures in the movement, such as Allan Sutherland and Tracy Proudlock. 

The Keith Armstrong Funeral Shroud contained in a bespoke box was shown at Keith’s funeral and is encrusted with his countless pins and badges from all of the organisations he participated in and fought for. In the DAM, Amrstrong was an activist, photographer, artists, and key chronicler of the struggles for visibility and rights for disabled people.


Image credit, Andy Barker

Image descriptions:

Banner image. Close up image of a vitrine filled with various protest badges arranged on a patterned green fabric. Badges include phrases such as 'Fight Censorship' and 'Against Racism Now'.

1. Close up photograph of a glass vitrine, housing a small red London bus toy amidst a sea of green patterned fabric. Arranged across the fabric are various badges and stickers that were worn for disability rights protests.

2. An exhibition installation of a glass vitrine containing a red London bus placed within a plethora of protest badges and stickers on top of a patterned green fabric. Filling the wall behind the vitrine are large format photographs of various disability protests and t-shirts with protest slogans hung up on display. Slogans include 'Disability Rights Now!' and 'Rights not charity!'.