1989, February - Whitechapel Gallery holds touch workshop relating to Richard Deacon exhibition
1989, January - Neti-Neti's The Beggar in the Palace criticised by Deaf for low standard of singing
1989, January - Ellen Wilkie - Wilkie and the Tallboy poetry and songs
1989, January - February - Exhibition of work by Asian batik artist Shaheen Merali
1989, January - Linda Moss, Arts Council Disability Officer, criticises bad integrated companies in DAIL article 'Towards a Disability Culture'
1989, February - Outrage among disabled people when they find that the Arts Council is applying for exemption from employment quota
1989, February - Common Ground Sign Dance Theatre spring show, A Stranger Disintegrates
1989, 9 February - The Workhouse
1989, 23 February - The Workhouse
1989, February - Theatre Venture presents The Adventures of Curly, a new touring play for deaf children by Terry Ruane
1989, March - Red is the Colour of the Night, a new play about fantasy an isolation by Peter Storfer
1989, March - Rainbow Drama Group present Get Out of Bed - an evening of zappy sketches and songs, sad, sinister and side-splitting, all around the theme of getting up
1989, March - Women-only event at Hounslow Voluntary Action Centre, including Ellie Wilkie and the Tallboy, Wanda Barbara and Dorothy Miles
1989, March - Nothing to Declare, new show by Strathcona, Jackson's Lane Community Centre - continue to tour throughout 1989
1989, March - The International Women's Day Show at Hackney Empire includes Wanda Barbara, Ashley Grey and Elspeth Morrison (comperes), Kata Kolbert and Kate Portal (music), and Sarah Scott (signed song)
1989, 9 March - The Workhouse 
1989, March - The East End Festival (TEEF) 1989
1989, April - Caxton Hall cabaret
1989, May - Trapped in Llanwog Castle by London Deaf Drama Group, Camden Institute Theatre
1989, 9 - 12 May - Common Ground Sign Theatre present Our Town - an exuberant adventure for children aged 12 and under, Unicorn Theatre for Children
1989, May - Open letter in DAIL to Luke Rittner, Secretary General of the Arts Council, by Allan Sutherland. The letter takes issue with Arts Council's application for exemption from the employment quota for disabled people
1989, May - Simon Brisenden dies
1989, June - Feminist Arts News includes a diverse collection of work by 18 disabled women, including Kata Kolbert, Sian Vasey, Ann Rae and Gioya Steinke
1989, June - Broucek by Green Jam (Greenwich Young People's Theatre)
1989, June - Women's Night at The Workhouse
1989, July - The casting of a non-disabled actor to play Christie Brown in My Left Foot is widely criticised by disabled people, including actor Nabil Shaban writing in DAIL
1989, July - Heart n Soul present The Dungeon of Love, Albany Empire
1989, July - The Cornflake Box by Elspeth Morrison - part of Movin' On Festival and tours London until 31 August
1989, 23 - 29 July - Movin' On - a festival of arts by disabled people
1989, August - Milton Keynes Disability Arts and Sports Festival, Woughton Centre. Wide range of workshops, plus evening cabaret
1989, September - Ellen Wilkie dies
1989, October - Ealing Disabilities Cabaret Night
1989, 14 October - Third Connexions Haringey Disability Arts Festival, Chestnuts community centre
1989, October - The Workhouse, Chat's Palace
1989, October - Common Ground Sign Dance Theatre presents A Stranger Disintegrates, Ealing, followed by a national tour
1989, November - The Workhouse, Jackson's Lane
1989, November - Strathcona Theatre Company present Nothing to Declare (their seventh major production) at The Cockpit
1989, November - Simon Brisenden's Body Shopping is made available
1989, 9 - 25 November - 'From the Alchemist's Library' - sculptures by Adam Reynolds, Adam Gallery, Walcot Square
1989, December - The Workhouse, Chat's Palace