2009 2009 - Shape launched two substantial BLF funded programmes of work.2009 - Shape won three ESF contracts (as part of consortia).2009 - Shape delivered 12 Live on Air workshops in collaboration with Sound Minds.2009 - Shape's Portraits exhibition - Opened by the Director of the National Portrait Gallery Sandy Nairne.2009 - The Adam Reynolds Memorial Bursary - The bursary is establishing itself as one of the most significant opportunities for disabled visual artists in the UK.2009 - Shape's Articulate UK project - a Big Lottery funded project which works with young learning disabled people across 10 boroughs in London.2009 - Chris Tally Evans wins Creative Wales Award of £25,000.2009, January - March - Holton Lee 3rd Disability Arts Open Exhibition.2009, January - Sally Booth receives the Adam Reynolds Memorial Bursary 2009.2009, January - Jenny Sealey, Artistic Director of Graeae Theatre, awarded MBE.2009, February - March - My Mile of the River- 5 part radio series looking at a year in the life of Welsh disabled artist Chris Tally Evans.2009, February - Kaite O'Reilly shortlisted as finalist for the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize, an international playwriting award.2009, April - Wolverhampton Disability Film Festival.2009, April - June - Shape's Science-Art Exhibition. This exhibition showcased work that examined many areas of scientific research, development or delivery through artistic practice.2009, May - Holton Lee informed by Arts Council England that their Grants for the Arts Application has not been successful.2009, May - July - As part of Shape Artist Commissions Shape presents a series of events at Southbank.2009, July - Shape's The Shortlist Exhibition. Shape showcases the work from the shortlisted artists for this year's Adam Reynolds Memorial Bursary.2009, August - Liz Crow spends an hour sitting in her wheelchair wearing full Nazi regalia on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square.2009, September - March 2010: Shape's Animate project. Noëmi Lakmaier; Tony Heaton; Samuel Dore; Julie McNamara.2009, September - Disability Arts Online publishes The Explorer by Allan Sutherland.2009, October - Deafinitely Theatre, Double Sentence directed by Paula Garfield and written by Andrew Muir.2009, October - November - Jon Adams The Goose on the Hill - Exhibition of works by portsmouth-based Outsider artist.2009, November -December - DaDaFest International 09. Manage Cookie Preferences