Trigger warnings: The Mine contains content users may find sensitive or distressing, reflecting accounts of physical, emotional, systemic, and medical neglect and abuse towards disabled people. We encourage users to be aware of this when experiencing the artwork.

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Or search for 'The Mine: Under tender feet' in your app store.

Available for most smartphones and tablets only. For the best experience on desktop, explore The Mine through the filmed walkthrough or audiobook.

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How to use the app

Banner image description:  In-game screenshot focusing on a stained glass window through which beams of light stream, assumedly from a car outside. Perspective is limited by the reach of the torchlight, so little beyond the window is discernible, but the exterior light source illuminates the design of the stained glass. A naked female figure lies flat on an operating table while a second figure, clad in surgical attire, appears to operate on her.