Welcome to the Shape Arts Podcast!

We’ll be exploring arts, heritage and creativity of all kinds from a barriers-facing perspective, hearing from leading makers, activists and cultural workers about the things that matter to them.

We will also be introducing new or upcoming projects, and discovering new ideas about what disability is - and what contemporary culture might be as a result.

In episode four, the creative team and artists involved in our recent Shape Open exhibition, Open All Hours - still available online, reflect on the themes of the show and how it all came together. Featuring live performances from artist Samiir Saunders.

Download the transcript Listen to episode three

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Banner image description: Graphic on a blue background decorated with yellow stars, a pink microphone, and a photo of Samiir - image credit: Rachel Cherry.

Banner image: Photo credit - Rachel Cherry. Description: Blue digitally illustrated graphic layered with yellow stars and a pink microphone, superimposed with a photo of Samiir Saunders.