1990 1990 - Wigan Disability Arts Forum formed1990, January - New Breed present The Birds, by Gabriel Gawin and Amanda Redvers-Higgins, with Paul Mittler, Jeanette Bergin and Glynn Owen 1990, 21 January - The Workhouse at Mandela Bar, Ealing College1990, February - 'Cap in Hand?' - one day conference in the portrayal of disabled people in charity advertising1990, 6 - 28 February - 'Out of Ourselves' - LDAF visual arts exhibition, Diorama1990, February - The Workhouse, South Ruislip Community Centre1990, February - Graeae Writers' Project1990, February - 'More Than Meets the Eye', Havant Arts Centre - an exhibition of paintings and sculptures by visually impaired artists.1990, February - Isle of Wight Deaf Projects present 'Sing With Your Hands'1990, February - Co-sign Theatre (an integrated deaf and non-deaf company) present Frankenstein by H.M.Milner, Cockpit Theatre1990, February - Thomas Joseph dies1990, March - 'Beyond the Barriers' camerawork exhibition, including Mary Duffy, David Hevey, Johnnie and Maggie Gathercole1990, March - 'First Exposure' touring exhibition of photographs by disabled users of of Community and Recreational Arts in Barnet (CRAB)'s wheelchair accessible darkroom and studio, beginning in Hendon Library1990, March - Campaign for Accessible Transport benefit, Red Rose Club1990, March - Disability Arts Show cabaret presented by Alternative Arts and Artsline1990, April - Random Pact, Shape and Oval House present the Lambeth Multimedia Project for People with Learning Disabilities1990, 27-28 April, 1-5 May - Path Productions present Getting There with Katie Kingshill, Jeanetta Cochrane Theatre1990, 9 June - Unicorn Theatre's work for the Deaf1990, May - The Tragic But Brave Roadshow - a travelling disability arts cabaret - is established1990, 8 May - The Workhouse, Diorama1990, 27 May - Campaign to Stop Patronage - 200 disabled people demonstrate against ITV telethon1990, 4-9 June - Art to Touch, Henley College1990, May - The Achievements of Women with Disabilities - free festival with Isobel Ward, Wanda Barbara, and a selection from LDAF's 'Out of Ourselves' exhibition1990, May - Amici Dance Theatre Company 10th anniversary double bill, Riverside Studios1990, May - New Breed Theatre Company recruits members for Birds II1990, May - La Soupe, a 75 minute dance opera created by Liz Aggiss and Billy Cowie in collaboration with Carousel1990, May - Fish Out of Water debut album Red Sunset released1990, May - EUCREA conference Denmark. UK represented by Heart N Soul1990, May - Taffy Thomas gets Britain's first Storytelling Residency in North Pennines1990, June - North West Disability Arts Forum (NWDAF) is launched (formerly Arts Integration Merseyside, briefly known as Merseyside Disability Arts Forum)1990, June - The Workhouse with London Lesbian Strength and Gay Pride 91990, 14 June - LDAF hosts London premiere of new show from No Excuses1990, 23 June - Disabled People Celebrate Arts Festival, Southampton1990, June - The Workhouse 'Lavendar Ripples'1990, June - 1 year theatre training scheme aimed at disabled people, Jackson's Lane1990, June - Liberty, Equality, Disability - one day workshop and exhibition about photography, representation and disability1990, June - Strathcona Theatre Company presents The Art of Framing, devised by the company, directed by Janet Bliss and Joan Greening1990, 13-15 June - No Excuses Theatre Cabaret - an exciting new Liverpool-based company of disabled actors making their London debut, at Red Rose, Diorama and Chat's Palace1990, June - Greenwich Young People's sets up Theatre Green Jam Project, new touring company of people with and without disabilities 1990, June - Graeae TIE Company present Why? by Geof Armstrong and Yvonne Lynch - national tour1990, June - Freedom for Everybody - a week long arts festival at Oval House, giving fifty people with learning disabilities and eight creative artists the opportunity to share skills and experience1990, July - 'Missing Persons/Damaged Lives' exhibition at City Arts Gallery, Leeds, includes Jo Spence's work1990, June - Us and Them Art - event run by disabled people and inolving disabled artists and performers, Sheffield1990, July - Easy Money - new tape of songs by Johnny Crescendo1990, July - The Workhouse, Chat's Place1990, July - The Workhouse, Red Rose1990, 26 July - Disability Arts UK - OK. Conference at Beaumont College, Lancashire, to set up National Disability Arts Forum1990, August - The Workhouse, Willesden Green Library1990, September - Disabled Artists' Day, Hackney Downs. The event did not take place in 1989, and was driven from Covent Garden Piazza.1990, September - Launch of Independent Theatre Council booklet 'Policy into Practice: Disability'1990, July - The Workhouse, Chat's Place1990, 15 September - Focus - a one day conference about access to training in film and video for disabled people.1990, September - 'The Creatures that Time Forgot' - photography and the construction of disability imagery 1990, September - Milton Keynes Disability Arts and Sports Festival1990, September - New Breed perform Birds III, Green Room Manchester1990, September - First Chance - The Way Forward? Conference at Riverside Studios, London, discussing opportunities for training and access to the media for disabled people1990, September - 'Eliminating Shadows', a manual on photography and disability by Ray Cooper, London Print Workshop1990, September - Kirin Saeed as arts management trainee with Northern Shape1990, September - Chances Are - new touring project from Graeae TIE Company new touring project with Jo Verrent and Annie Smoll1990, September - 16 protestors arrested on Oxford Street in Campaign for Accessible Transport demonstration. All charges subsequently dropped1990, 6 October - LDAF performers meet to discuss what performers would like from LDAF1990, October - Launch of ADAPT fund to help make arts buildings accessible1990, October - You Don't Have to Smile - theatre/photography workshop for disabled people, run by disabled people1990, October - first meeting of steering group for Eastern Region Disability Arts Forum1990, October - The Workhouse, Swiss Cottage Community Centre 1990, October - The Workhouse, Disability Resource Centre Walthamstow1990, October - The Workhouse, Ealing College of HE Students' Union1990, October - Jo Verrent commissioned to write Chances Are for Graeae TIE Company1990, November - No edition of DAIL, due to restructuring and demis of Arts Media Group1990, November - The Workhouse, Red Rose1990, November - GLAD AGM decides to work towards becoming an organisation controlled by disabled people1990, November - Basic Theatre Co. presents Nov Gary by Ray Winston, a play about a boy with a hearing impairment, growing up in a hearing world. Performed with Sign Language, Croydon Warehouse1990, December - The Workhouse, Red Rose1990, December - Disabled artist Nancy Willis is first artist-in-residence at Hammersmith Hospital1990, December - Heart N Soul release The Heart N Soul Anthem, accompanied by pop promo1990, December - Arts Council launches second edition of Arts and Disability Directory Manage Cookie Preferences