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The process above outlines where people may need support along the project’s critical path. It is always better that the disabled person proposes the kind of support they need, and this is likely to be based on what has worked for them in the past. 

Earlier, we looked at the option of the access rider, which disabled applicants might find useful as a prompt to list access needs relating to the commission. You may find this useful as a way of keeping a record or note of what provision should be in place. 

Pink digital image of a pound money sign.

Your budget will impose certain limits on what access provision is available and so as part of the streamlining process, look for win-wins and ways of making your access budget stretch further - and discuss them with the artist, of course. 

For example, if paying for the services of a support worker on a particular day, is it possible (without being counterproductive to anyone’s wellbeing) to group meetings or sessions together on that day, to prevent having to pay for a series of individual bookings, which are likely to be higher, when call-out and travel costs are factored in? 


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Overall, the more planning is in hand, the easier it will be to identify opportunities to make the access budget stretch further.

Over a period of time, you may find that one project incurs low access costs and in the next project these costs are much higher. Building in contingency funding for access in each project can help with unforeseen or escalated expenses.