Latest Shape collaboration: George was one of the Shape Open 2021 exhibiting artists for the exhibition 'All Bound Together?' and designed the 2020-2021 Shape Arts Annual Review.

Artist Statement: George Murphy (they/them) is a self-taught artist, printmaker, and creative educator from Cornwall. They started printing when they first got sick so people would stop telling them to get a hobby, and has been doing it ever since. Their work increasingly explores themes around social justice, queerness, community care, and disability. Most of their prints are a bit wonky and are hand-pressed using a metal spoon. They also love creating art with others and exploring its potential as a medium for connection and social change.

A black and white linocut print in portrait format has a thick black border containing the words clockwise around the edge: “NOT ALL IN THE SAME BOAT”. Inside the border is a large wave appearing from the bottom left that touches a small boat in the top right corner. There is text in the wave that reads: “Some of us are sinking”. A wind motif sits top left and reaches towards the boat. In the space between these shapes are small black lines and marks left by the lino cutting process.

'Not All In The Same Boat' by George Murphy.

Check out George's Website   See all the artists we work with

Banner Image: A black and white linocut print in portrait format has a thick black border containing the words repeating on all four sides: “COLLECTIVE CARE IS THE FUTURE”. Inside the border are two hands in black ink coming from the bottom left and top right corners, reaching into the centre. Around the hands are small black lines and marks left by the lino cutting process.