How to get from Herne Hill station to 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning, Herne Hill - the venue for this year's Shape Open exhibition, Open All Hours.

Google Maps

Pedestrian route from the station

  • On arriving via train at Herne Hill station, you can find lifts to the ticket hall at the end of either platform, behind the staircase.

    A map of Herne Hill station with a key signifying various access routes and landmarks

  • The step-free route from the ticket hall to street level is on your right as you enter from the platform, past the ice cream shop. Enter the tunnel and turn left. At the end you will emerge onto Railton Road.

    Google maps photograph of the exit via the step free tunnel from Herne Hill station onto Railton Road
  • Proceed past the blue flower shop on your right as you leave the tunnel and continue until you reach the end of the row of shops next to you. 

    Google maps photograph of the street outside Herne Hill station leading onto Railton Road
  • There is a small bookshop on the corner - turn right here, continuing on Railton Road.

  • Keep going along Railton Road, passing houses on your right and Rymer Street on the other side of the road.

Google maps image showing an intersection of Railton Road and Rymer Street

  • As you approach the intersection of Railton Road and Hurst Street, there will be a large, colourful mural facing you on the other side of the road. Cross over - the gallery is in the building with the mural!

Google maps photograph of the intersection of Railton Road and Hurst Street showing a bright, colourful mural

  • Once on the left side of the road, pass the mural and 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning is on your left. The entrance is the furthest door along the building - on the right-hand side as you are facing the building head-on.

Google maps photo of the facade of 198 contemporary arts and learning gallery in herne hill