For a disabled person, day to day living can involve a huge amount of labour: navigating healthcare and welfare systems, repeatedly advocating for yourself in hostile situations, or keeping on top of bills, medications, and appointments, to name a few examples. 

Facing these current crises, and with the knowledge that disabled people are the experts in organising, self-advocacy, and mutual aid in this arena, we have worked to provide a list below of ways you can seek or offer support and keep informed.

We invite you to add to this list by using the submission form immediately below.

We welcome resources, articles, suggestions, and more - anything that you think would benefit the disabled community right now. During #TheManyCostsOfLiving campaign in March 2023, we will add in the details we are sent by you, and build up the list with various sections as appropriate.

Back to the exhibition homepage Back to more about the campaign

We want to hear your suggestions for resources, information, and available support. 

Complete our submission form

#TheManyCostsOfLiving are significantly greater for disabled people. So, what can be done?

1. Keep informed

2. Think local

3. Seek and forge solidarity

Let us know what you think of The Many Costs of Living

Banner image: NHS staff protesting photographed by birmingham_eastside.