Shape Arts takes your privacy seriously. We strive to take great care with customer and user information.

Protecting your data and privacy is extremely important to us, and we would like to assure you during this time of changing legislation that we will continue to keep your information safe, ask only for information that we need to carry out our organisational duties and services, and make sure the data we hold is accurate and relevant to a particular use.

Click here to download a free Easy Read document called "Your rights about your personal information", created by Easy Read Online.

This Privacy and Cookies Policy outlines how your personal information is collected, used and treated, and our approach to handling data, in line with current data protection legislation (see section 6, GDPR). 

Following the statement you are reading there is a link to a more detailed version of our policy. Some of this contains technical terms and complex information. From time to time it will be updated. If either this statement or the detailed policy do not answer any questions you have about how we manage your privacy and data then please call us on 0207 424 7330 or e-mail us via [email protected]

  1. What is personal data?

Personal data is information that identifies you. The personal data we collect may be:

  • Your name, address, email address and phone number
  • Additional data, such as your equalities information
  • Information you have provided us with when applying for a job or other role, or when entering a contract with us
  • Information you have provided us with when helping us with research or when responding to an opportunity or call out
  • Electronic information collected through websites, such as cookies
  • Information about your support needs, if you are a beneficiary or client
  • Financial information if you have bought something from us, or are a service provider, or otherwise engaged with us on a commercial basis
  • Photographs or videos of you (where you are individually identified), if you take part in our projects or events, or are involved with us in other ways. Please bear in mind that once images or information are published in the public domain, they may be copied, republished or used by third parties operating beyond our control

Below we tell you how we collect and look after your personal data and why. It also tells you your legal rights in terms of the personal data that we hold.

  1. Why we collect your personal data and under what lawful basis

In order for us to deliver the most relevant services and activities to you, we need to collect and hold your personal data. We also use your data to tell you about our services and activities, so that you can take part in them. We will keep your data for our records, particularly if you give, or want to give, us feedback or to make a complaint. It is also important that we hold your personal data to make sure we keep you safe and properly informed while you are accessing our services. We use personal data to report to our funders and tell them about the work we have been doing to show them how we have used their funding. However, we keep the data anonymous as much as we can when we tell them about our work. We also use personal data, particularly images, to share and promote our work. We will only share photos of you and/or data about you with your permission.

When we collect your data we will always ask for you to actively consent for us to do so, and this is the lawful basis under which we keep your data. We might need to use your personal data if you make a donation to us, for example if you make a donation online. We might also ask you to help us to raise money, or to take part in a survey but we would only ever do this with your active consent.

If you become one of our service providers (including artists contracted to make work or undertake a commission for example), or a regular customer, we keep your data under lawful basis of performing a contract, as we will need to process your data in order to provide the service that you would expect.

You may be a subscriber to our monthly newsletter, which informs subscribers about our events and projects. You might have signed up to our newsletter via our website, or one of our staff might have asked you if you would like to subscribe to it. We keep this data under the lawful basis of legitimate interest, and we believe it is in your interest to keep receiving our emails so that you are informed about our services and events. You can unsubscribe at any time via the link on every mailshot email/newsletter we send out.

  1. The ways that we collect your personal data

You may give us your personal data by:

  • filling in one of our forms, on our website, a third party website, or a hard copy
  • signing up to our email newsletter
  • telling us about your details over the phone or email, or in another way that you choose
  • taking part in our projects, events or activities and having photographs or videos taken of you

When we ask you for this data, we will always tell you why, and we will ask you to confirm that you are happy for us to collect it. In the detailed version of this policy, you can find out more about your rights and how your information may be handled through third party websites, in sections 7 and 8.

  1. Your Rights Under the law

You have the right to ask us not to use your data for marketing purposes or to share it with partner organisations. You also have the right at any time to ask us what personal data we are holding about you, and to correct or delete this data, with the exception of criminal data.

If you would like to ask us what personal data we are holding about you, please send us an email or a letter to the contact details at the end of this statement. We will respond to you within 30 days. In some circumstances, we may need to charge a fee.

  1. Protecting your personal data

We ensure that we are keeping your data safe and secure by putting appropriate security measures and systems in place and training our staff. For example, we keep data electronically on a secure, password-protected server, backed up by a secure back up service that processes data within European Law.

We take care in training all of our staff who are likely to come into contact with your data to understand how they should process it and ensure it is always safe and accurate.

  1. GDPR – General Data Protection Regulations

You may be aware that Data Protection laws are changing as of 25 May, 2018.  This means that you will have stronger rights to have your data deleted, corrected, or forgotten across the internet and in the way that organisations work. The new laws strengthen your rights to check, change and have your data removed.

In the detailed version of this policy, you will find more information about your rights and more about how to access any personal data of yours that we may hold.  There is official guidance on all these areas on the Information Commissioner Office website.

>> To download the Privacy Policy in full, click here

If you have any queries, you can contact with us about anything in this privacy and cookies policy by email: [email protected], by phone: 020 7424 7330, or by post: Shape Arts, Deane House Studios, 27 Greenwood Place, London NW5 1LB.