Donations from trusts and foundations are vital to ensure that we can continue to deliver all aspects of our work. Your support is crucial in helping us to build a more inclusive arts sector for all.

We are very grateful for those who are currently, or have previously donated to Shape, and are always looking to build new partnerships with trusts and foundations. Your support can help us to:

  • Create more opportunities for talented disabled artists to showcase their work
  • Work with young disabled people to enable them to realise their ambitions and pursue their creative careers
  • Work with arts and cultural organisations to improve their disability confidence and accessibility, ensuring that disabled people across the UK can confidently access the arts

If you would like to restrict your funding to a particular aspect of our work we would be very happy to arrange this for you.

To find out more about how you can support us, please contact the Fundraising team on 0207 424 7330 or [email protected]

Follow our Art Without Barriers campaign, marking our 40th year: #artwithoutbarriers