Latest Shape collaboration: Akissi was a featured artist in 2021's Shape Open, All Bound Together? for which she was commissioned to create a new work, 'But You Don't Look Sick.'

Akissi Nzambi is a Spain-based collage artist. A repository of personal interests and obsessions, her cut paper illustrations and digital pieces often act as a vehicle for social commentary and self-affirmation. Using a simple, direct approach, she creates visual metaphors that explore issues of identity, inclusivity, disability, culture, and race and encourage discussion.

A mixed media collage in portrait format surrounded by a white border. On the pale blue background sits a piece of cloud shaped cotton wool above a square of white netting. The bottom edge of the white border contains the words: “My bed: a safe haven and a net that keeps me trapped.”

'My Bed' (2021)

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Banner image: 'But You Don't Look Sick' (2021) by Akissi Nzambi. Description: A blocky collage of a side profile of a face with big afro hair on a red background.