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The Way Ahead is a groundbreaking collaborative fine art project devised to be newsworthy at a timely moment for equality law, however, since October 2004 when it was launched at the same time as new Disability Discrimination Act legislation, it has been continually in demand as a Disability Art protest piece. The Way Ahead was designed by artist Caroline Cardus to reflect the issues disabled people wish the government and society was addressing more thoroughly in an accessible, subversive, and humorous way. 

The Way Ahead Signages

The Way Ahead Signages

The Way Ahead Signages

The Way Ahead Signages

The Way Ahead Signages

The Way Ahead Signages

Title The Way Ahead
Artist Caroline Cardus
Year 2004
Medium Sheet aluminium with adhesive plastic coatings
Dimensions 191 x 193 cm sq
Image description Photographs of 24 road signs, designed just like actual road signs, except the content - images and text - all relates to disability. Each depicts, many in humorous or sardonic ways, an element of the day-to-day experience facing disabled people.
Loan status Unavailable - contact [email protected] 

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Work is available to loan on request. If you have any queries about the Shape Collection please contact [email protected]