Banner Image alt text: Light blue, vaguely holographic graphically-designed banner advertising the 'In the mirror' exhibition open call for submissions.

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Read the FAQs

  1. What is the Shape Open?
  2. Who can apply?
  3. Do you have to be disabled to submit artwork to the Open?
  4. How do I apply? What is the process?
  5. When is the deadline for applications?
  6. Do I have to pay to apply?
  7. What is the theme of the exhibition?
  8. Does my work need to be about the theme?
  9. What art forms will you accept?
  10. Where will the work be shown?
  11. Do I need to make a new work for this call out?
  12. How should I present my 2D and 3D work for an online exhibition?
  13. My work hasn’t been documented to a high standard. Can I still submit it?
  14. How likely am I to be selected?
  15. I need support with my application, can you help?
  16. How will artists be selected?
  17. I am not based in the UK. Can I still apply?
  18. If I am not selected, will I receive feedback on my application?
  19. Can someone else complete my application for me?
  20. Can I submit an artwork that was shown at previous Shape Open? 
  21. Is there a winner’s prize?

What is the Shape Open?

The Shape Open is Shape Arts’ annual exhibition of art by disabled and non-disabled artists, centred around a disability-related theme. The Open provides a space to exchange ideas about topics which are often sidelined within artistic debate. Visit our website to learn about past Shape Open exhibitions.

Who can apply?

Artists must be 18 years of age or over to apply. 

Do you have to be disabled to submit artwork to the Open?

No. All you need to do on the form is self-identify as disabled or non-disabled, or give your own preferred word or term. Learn about the Social Model of Disability on our website, where you can find an animation and an Easy Read document.

How do I apply? What is the process?

  1. Complete the application form of your choice on our website.
  2. Make sure you reply to each part of the form, even if sending us answers by audio or video. Without these details we cannot process the application. 
  3. Our panel will select the artworks by the end of May 2022.
  4. The panel will contact artists to let them know if their work is to be selected or not. 
  5. The panel will then contact selected artists about exhibiting their work.

When is the deadline for applications?

The deadline for submitting your application is 29 April 2022, 11:59PM BST.

Do I have to pay to apply?

No. It is free to apply.

What is the theme of the exhibition?

This year’s theme is ‘In the mirror.’

How is our sense of self influenced by outside forces? The way we understand ourselves is impacted by the way we feel ourselves reflected and represented around us. For disabled people, these depictions can often feel like distorted mirrors; reflecting expectations rather than reality.

How are disabled people represented in culture? They often make headlines, but are disabled people being authentically reflected in the society to which they belong? Depictions of disabled people have tended toward extremes: from pity to inspiration porn, time and time again the disabled person is cast as a fable from which ‘normal’ society should learn.

This theme can be approached in diverse ways. Mirrors have often been used by artists to explore this complex process of self-understanding; from sculpture and fine art to photography, digital media, and even meme culture, beholding themselves symbolically, not just visually. 

This symbolic role of mirrors shows that our identity can be found in many places. Not just pictures of ourselves but in the things we share online, the music we listen to, or the communities to which we belong. 

We are looking for artworks which explore self-representation. How do you feel about the way you are reflected in contemporary culture?

Does my work need to be about the theme?

Yes, the work should address the theme, either directly or indirectly.

What art forms are you accepting?

Like previous Shape Opens, we accept a variety of visual art forms such as painting, drawing, sculpture, film, audio/ sound, photography, mixed media, text, performance, textiles and so on. You can find the artworks for each year on our website.

Where will the work be shown?

The exhibition will be hosted online, on a digital platform such as a website. Artworks will be shared across our social media channels (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) and on our main website.

Do I need to make a new work?

No. There is no expectation that any of the works in the Shape Open are made for the exhibition. You can submit work that you have already made, works in progress, R&Ds, or, should you wish to, new work.

How should I present my 2D and 3D work for an online exhibition?

Submitted images should be as high-quality as possible and, if the work is selected, we will use these images for the exhibition. These can be any electronic format that would work for an online exhibition: for example stills, moving image & film, gifs, graphic designs, scans and so on.

My work hasn't been documented to a high standard. Can I still submit it?

Yes. If your work is selected, we will discuss with you the best way to showcase your work.

How likely am I to be selected?

The number of applicants varies from year to year. We have not run an open call for several years, so cannot estimate how many submissions we will receive. In previous years, we have exhibited between 20 and 25 artists in the Shape Open exhibition.

I need support with my application, can you help?

If you need support with your application, please contact us via [email protected]. It will be helpful if you could let us know what support you need when doing so.

How will artists be selected?

Artists will be selected by a panel process including the Shape programme team and artist Chris Samuel.

I am not based in the UK. Can I still apply?

Yes. We welcome applications from artists based anywhere in the world.  Deadline is UK time.

If I am not selected, will I receive feedback on my application?

Unfortunately we cannot guarantee being able to give feedback to individuals. Where we can, however, we will create new resources to share with disabled artists to improve their future chances.

Can someone else complete my application for me?

Yes. As long as they have your full consent and you are happy with what they are submitting on your behalf. If you don’t have support, and need assistance to complete and submit your application, please contact us via [email protected]

Can I submit an artwork that was shown at a previous Shape Open?

No, we won’t re-exhibit the same artwork. But that doesn’t stop you submitting other work, even if you exhibited with us before.

Is there a winner's prize?

No. Instead, each selected artist will receive a participation grant of £250.