You can adapt this short guide to suit your audiences and to fit in with your organisation’s communication style.

Before you begin to promote your event, make sure you include access information in your press releases, newsletters, leaflets, advertising, websites, displays, programmes, event calendars, posters and any other material released to the public.

Access information should include details on:

    • Accessible parking and transport, hearing loops, BSL interpreting, audio description, level access, lifts and any other services you offer
    • Times, availability, cost and booking requirements for any of the services
    • Details of who to contact for more information and/or alternative formats, including phone numbers and email addresses

Be honest if there might be access problems for some people and communicate this information in all publicity material. 

Presenting access information:

•    Have you used access symbols to indicate services and access?         
•    Do you know what they mean?
•    Do you have a specific access guide for disabled and deaf people (in addition to access information in general material)? Does it fit your ‘suite’ of brochures?
•    Have you met print accessibility guidelines?
•    Have you met web accessibility guidelines for your websites?
•    Have you used appropriate language in the description of disabled and deaf people and access services?
•    Are you confidently using appropriate images of disabled and deaf people? Appropriate images do not focus on someone’s disability but on the person and their activity.

Access symbols:

Details of relaxed performances, captioning, sign language interpretation and audio description can be found in this downloadable document.

Alternative formats:

Which alternative formats can you provide information in? Some will mean a delay for production, such as a brochure in large print, Braille or Plain English, an audio tape, CD or a captioned video. You might have others already like a Word document that can be e-mailed, a Word document you can print in larger font size or information available on a website.

Communicating with disabled people:

In addition to patrons already on your mailing list, you could grow your audiences by talking to wider media and disability organisation contacts.

Disability media:

Have you included the disability media in your media plan?

Have you sent all press releases to disability media?

Are you developing ongoing relationships with journalists in the disability sector?

Disability organisations:

Do you send information and publicity material to disability organisations?

When you have a service targeted at a specific group, do you communicate with disability organisations representing that group?

How up-to-date is your list of disability organisations in your community?

Have you identified and established relationships with any of them?

Audience research:

Have you undertaken any research with disabled people? Does your research with disabled people cover more than access?

Do you ensure that disabled people are invited to public meetings, advisory groups, market research opportunities, formal and informal consultations?

How are you providing opportunities for disabled people to give feedback on your services?

Explore all of our resources

If you would like it in another format please contact us. To contact the team or make a training enquiry please email [email protected] or call 0207 424 7330

Banner image: Unlimited Exhibition 2015 Private View at Shape Gallery, Westfield Stratford