Create Participatory Projects with Disabled People This checklist can be used to ensure that most areas that need to be considered in your project planning are done from the outset - as always with access, embed from the start, don't bolt on at the end! Planning Stage Activity/content – design this first and then adapt it to participants’ requirementsAge appropriate – design activities that are appropriate to participants’ age rangeDesired outcomes – discuss and agree what the participants, artist and gallery would like to create Budget – identify what funds are available, for example in core budgets, and what funding you will need in addition to thisProject management – identify who will take on this roleTarget participants – understand who you want to work with and whyTarget numbers – take into account possible funder requirementsTimescale – planning, fundraising, recruitment, delivery and evaluationAim, objective and indicators – start this process and then continue it with participants and stakeholders Top tips! Use SMART to support your planning process Build contingency into your budgets and time planning, to ensure you have the money you need and are not putting people under too much pressure Aim to ensure you are considering access costs at all the points in your activities, from initial meetings to evaluation. Unsure about access costs? Check with providers, and add some contingency funding so that you aren't left with too little in your budget. Consider where Access to Work funding might come in to support eligible individuals. It might be possible to add it to your budget as well. Getting Started Participant recruitment – establish who to communicate with and howArtist recruitment – set the criteria to get the balance right between skills and experienceAccess requirements – find out what requirements staff and participants have and meet these requirements; remember you are finding out what support people need, not what impairment or health condition they may haveTraining – provide training if necessary for project and gallery staffLocations for activities – research how accessible locations are, including getting to and from themStaff/participant ratios – avoid having too few participants and too many staff (and vice versa)Roles and responsibilities – make sure all project staff understand their own and each other’s roles and responsibilities; remember to include people who may need certain qualifications or experience you depend on to keep the project safe as well as on trackFeedback and review – set up ways for everyone to feedback on and review progress as part of a shared evaluation process Photographic consent – plan and create accessible ways to get decisions on consentPhotographer – ensure they are included in planning meetings and that they meet people before photographing them; include this area in the risk assessmentDesign an appropriate risk assessment – ensure you include the relevant Health & Safety, Safeguarding and Emergency criteria that will keep your event safe for all people Top tips! Make sure Health & Safety is understood as everyone’s responsibility, even if key individuals oversee the risk assessment The best evaluations are fun or engaging to take part in, and usually rolled into activities, not left as a 'have to do' at the end Unsure what tone to set for recruitment and participation? Consult our Social Model of Disability resource to ensure your language is appropriate for disabled people Use photo journeys and other accessible methods to inform people how to reach the venue Next stage Feedback – develop accessible and inclusive methods of feedback for all involvedPhotography – be clear about what images are created and their intended use Support workers/carers – meet and brief support workers separately; discuss roles and expectationsMaterials/equipment – research, adapt and purchase materials and/or equipment appropriate to participants’ requirements, including building signageContingency and diversion – respond to participants’ choices and preferences, and to support workers’ inputComplaints – adapt your standard complaints procedure into an accessible format Top tips! Use clear signage to ensure people know photography or filming is taking place. Identify those who images are not to be usedBuild suitable breaks into your rotas or staff & participant planners; consider locations of refreshment and toilet rooms Wrapping Things Up Continuity – equip all project staff with information about further opportunities for participants in your gallery and beyondCelebration – if required, design accessible celebratory events with participantsSharing – produce and distribute accessible evaluation reporting and share positive outcomes Top tips! Ensure you have a clear process in place around how people might be identified. This might be through photographs and name badges. This to help avoid publishing people's details without due consent, and which could enable vulnerable individuals to be targeted Invite your key funders to any events which seem appropriate for them to attend You should read this article in conjunction with accessible events Explore all of our resources If you would like it in another format please contact us. To contact the team or make a training enquiry please email [email protected] or call 0207 424 7330 Banner image: Shape team and artist Juan delGado at MIA, Doha, Qatar Manage Cookie Preferences