Pressure - Kirkwood Brothers In addition to the physical banners around the UK, each of the four new works commissioned for The Many Costs of Living is available online as an animated campaign banner and in an audio described animation of all four works. You can find out more about the artwork below or by reading our exhibition catalogue. Explore the rest of the show Find out more about the artist 📢 Listen to a description of this animation: Your browser does not support the audio element. Please click here to download the file About Pressure The Kirkwood Brothers have used the past six months to explore their individual experiences of disability and depression. The continued rise in the Cost of Living and the frustrations that come with it are the focus of their new work, looking closely at its impact on their mental health and the world around them. 📢 Listen to a description of the artwork: Your browser does not support the audio element. Please click here to download the file Banner image description: Digitally-rendered still capturing a virtual gallery-like environment. A digital illustration appears to be hanging from a white wall. Set against a block white portrait background, a large pink hand squeezes a small peach coloured maggot-like character between their forefinger and thumb. What is expressed by the character’s sad eyes and protruding tongue is described by the text that appears beside it in hand drawn magenta capitals, which reads: PRESSURE GOT TO HIM. There is shadow behind the artwork, creating a three dimensional effect within the still. Manage Cookie Preferences