Noëmi Lakmaier is a performance artist based in London, who has exhibited widely in the UK and internationally. In 2008 she was awarded Shape Arts’ inaugural Adam Reynolds Memorial Bursary (ARMB) and accompanying three month residency at Camden Arts Centre.

To celebrate the ten year anniversary of this artist award Noëmi has created a new work for Ghosts in the Machine, Shape’s second Tate Exchange programme, entitled The Task of Containing. Taking place outdoors between Tate Modern and the Thames, this installation and durational performance piece is an homage to Adam Reynolds’ unrealised performance ‘Sisyphus’ and explores themes of futility and meaning through repetitive and seemingly meaningless acts.

The Task of Containing will take place on Saturday 3 March from 12 to 4pm in the café area outside Tate Modern’s main entrance; all are welcome to attend.

This event is part of Shape's second Tate Exchange programme Ghosts in the Machine, at Tate Modern from 1 to 4 March 2018.

Please contact [email protected] or 020 7424 7330 with any questions or access requirements.

Booking for this event has now closed.